It’s that time again. We are about halfway through 2021, and summer is in full swing. This holiday weekend is the Fourth of July, when we get together with family and friends and perhaps have a cookout, shoot off some fireworks, and enjoy the freedoms we enjoy in this great, but yet still work-in-progress, country.
Thankfully, this year’s celebrations will be much closer to normal as we more and more return to life as usual.

Freedom & Responsibility
Today, I’m reflecting on the truth that the freedom we enjoy has come from the sacrifices and the willingness of many individuals – including our friends, family, and ancestors – to fight for it.
So on this Independence Day, I honor this idea of Freedom. And the idea that freedom is earned and does not come to one who does not deserve it by neglecting to respect the importance of responsibility.
Many things are occurring in our world today that require us to stand for our values and ideas and be responsible for this idea of freedom so that our children and grandchildren can inherit a country where freedom is primary.
It is also good for us to remember that, despite all its flaws, America is still a country where many others dream of someday being able to live so they can enjoy the opportunities and environment it provides.
Independence For All!
Today, I’m also feeling grateful for all the blessings in my life of friends and family, for all the successes, and yes, even past failures to be where I am today: able to enjoy this holiday with those I love and to truly feel unconditionally free in my heart and my soul
Here’s to your independence and the world’s liberation from all that holds us back from freedom for all.
Today, I’ll be expressing this through my own IGI in my celebrations with my friends and family.
God bless you all, and God bless America!