Steve has climbed both the corporate and entrepreneurial ladder, manifesting his own success in small companies, midsize companies and massive corporate companies. If you’re a purpose driven entrepreneur, executive, or team desiring TRUE balance, growth, abundance and fulfillment in life and business, Steve has the specific IGI principles to help you get there quickly.
“Steve has the unique ability to be both very bottom line oriented, hard driving, all the while an excellent people oriented manager who people want to work hard for. He is one of the most outstanding leaders I have had the pleasure of knowing for many years.” GARY RANKER, Global CEO Coach
Access the first chapter of my new book “The I.G.I Principles” And gain the secret code to inviting your highest GOOD into your life and business.
Phone: +1 858.829.2969
Address: PO Box 7103 | Rancho Santa Fe | CA 92067
Email: steve@steverodgerstoday.com