
Consulting is meant for companies or corporations with various layers within the firm that need to work together to effect change.

For more information regarding one-on-one support, please see our Coaching services.

Through our expertise consultation, we can determine through evaluation:

  • Potential for increased revenues in the business models that currently exist within the company, as well as avenues or joint ventures not yet explored.
  • Efficiency of operations and systems and areas within for fine-tuning.
  • Possibility of cost-cutting measures and economies of scale to help save on monthly and annual expenses.
  • Insure the current value proposition is at its highest level and the company is creating repeated raving fans.
  • Growth in the most lucrative consumer markets and segments through market and data research.
  • Brand awareness in the market place and insure the current brand is in line with the company’s goals, business plans, mission and vision.
  • Tech dollars fit with the company objectives and result in the best consumer connections.

We also provide consultation and guidance on varying topics including:

  • Internal employee morale and buy-in needs.
  • Exceptional acquisition and merger assistance and guidance.
  • Business planning for annual projections and proformas.
  • Life-work balance and workplace harmony for executives, managers and employees.

Depending on the needs of your company, we may perform the following actions:

  • Suggest ways to “Gamify” the business model for the sales team and employees thus driving synergy and increased sales and profits. This also works wonders with the customer depending on your product and service offering.
  • Uncover and address any political dilemmas in the work place, handled delicately but effectively and insure challenges get turned into opportunities, a crucial part of our Lead to Gold formula.
  • Review and advise course corrections for existing business plans in place that can still be met in the current calendar year.
  • Implement technology and social media assistance to insure the budgeted marketing and tech dollars are being directed towards the right channels and lead funnels
  • Create customized plans that will address any business or customer need you may have in building your businesses from A to Z.

Alchemy Advisors is a full service consulting and coaching firm that can help even in the most challenged of situations. Our ability to laser beam focus on the issues at hand with key specialist in those specific areas allow us to create the best chemistry of solutions. Our goal is to exceed all your desired outcomes. Let us help lead you to your own “Lead to Gold Formula” that will help you and your company achieve your highest and best good!

“Leaders make a lot of mistakes but they admit those mistakes to themselves and change because of them.”
― Stan Slap