Stephen Rodgers

Overcoming The Indulgent Life: Appearance on the Active CEO Podcast

Active CEO Podcast #136 – Steve Rodgers: Overcoming The Indulgent Life

Here is my appearance on the Active CEO Podcast, where I spoke with Craig Johns about overcoming the indulgent life, working for Warren Buffet, the power of Inviting Good In vs Edging Good Out, and how everything in life is made up of energy.

We also delved into Spiritual Intelligence, energy shifts, the quest for learning, and what it takes to be a successful CEO.

Listen to the great conversation on Craig’s website

Resources Mentioned in this show:

Steve Rodgers
The Alchemy Advisors
Steve Rodgers Youtube
Steve Rodgers Facebook
Steve Rodgers Twitter
Craig Johns
Craig Johns
Craig Johns LinkedIn

Recommended Reading:

IGI Principles Steve Rodgers
Lead To Gold Steve Rodgers

Appearance on The Business Power Hour Podcast

I recently sat down with Deb Krier for an hour-long interview in which we covered a whole host of topics. It was a very enjoyable conversation and you can either listen to our discussion or watch it on youtube.

Listen to the interview below

Listen also on itunes or on Spotify

Watch the interview on Youtube

About The Business Power Hour

Every year, hundreds of books and thousands of articles are written about marketing, building your business, social media, entrepreneurship and other business topics. And, there’s an array of conferences, seminars, webinars, training, blogs – the list is endless – discussing “how to” topics for your business. As an entrepreneur or business owner yourself, you know this information is vital, but how do you keep up? After all, you have a business to run!

That’s where The Business Power Hour® on C-Suite Radio comes in. Twice a week, host Deb Krier talks with experts in a variety of business fields, as they share the latest trends, up and coming changes as well as best practices. Her guests – and listeners – are from around the world. Listeners get tactical and strategic action items that they can immediately implement in their own businesses.

You can find more of my podcast appearances on the Media section of the site.

The Business Power Hour website

Appearance on The Business Mastermind Podcast

My interview on the Business Mastermind Podcast with Gavin is now live.

We discussed the best and most actionable ways in which you can get increase your productivity, ramp up your profits and build a greater sense of purpose in your business.

Please give it a listen. If you enjoy the episode, please share it with your friends, family, colleagues, and clients.

Listen here:
Apple Podcasts

Key Takeaways

We all have days where everything seems to work in harmony. This is the state of flow. Being in flow is being aware that our mind plays a huge part in determining our outlook and mindset, and that it allows us to be more open to this state.

We should seek to encourage a daily practice around the four B’s:

  • Body – eating well and exercise
  • Being – soul, connection and inner self through meditation or prayer
  • Bonds – your relationships with family, friends, or acquaintances
  • Business – working on the business and in the business

Many prioritise business over everything else, but if your body, being and bonds are not in harmony, then it’ll be difficult keep any kind of flow in your business life for any length of time.

Our clients deserve to get the best from us. We cannot possibly give our best if we are not treating ourselves as the most important client of all.

Best Moments

‘I’m here to encourage people to do more searching and defining in business and in life’

‘Ego is when you are Edging Good Out’

‘We are co-creators with the universe’

‘Anything you can track and measure, you can improve upon’

About Gavin Preston

Gavin is an inspirational Speaker, Business Strategist, Business Growth Mentor, Trainer and high-performance Coach.  He works with Business Owners and Entrepreneurs and has a strong track record in creating creative strategies to accelerate the growth of their business. He has helped hundreds of SME business owners and leaders improve their performance and that of their business and a comparable number of executives and employees in blue-chip corporates over the last 20 years.

Gavin’s energetic, insightful and yet down to earth and practical talks, workshops and coaching is in demand with high growth business between £250,000 and £30 million revenue and with multi-national organisations at all levels from Board to frontline.

Check out more Gavin’s podcasts here.

Appearance on School For Startups Radio

Earlier this month I made my second appearance on School For Startups Radio where we talked about a whole host of topics useful for entrepreneurs.

I appeared on this show about four years ago and it was great to return and talk about new topics. My interview is the first half of the show and. Tim Ringo is interviewed in the second half.

Listen to the Podcast Here:

Show Notes

Spirituality to me in business means how can you make more of a
difference and more of an impact in a deeper way.

– Steve Rodgers
  • 4:30 – IGI and ego: the origin of IGI.
  • 6:00 – How do we Invite Good In? Be aware that we have a choice, have a plan and take action.
  • 6:45 – What is a business and life plan? Having a P&L and balance sheet for life. 4 B’s: Body, Being, Bonds, & Business.
  • 8:40 – Planning for the future. 1 year, 2 years, 5 years, 10 years, 20 years.
  • 10:00 – How do we handle spontaneity as entrepreneurs?
  • 12:20 – Mitchell Levy, publisher of The IGI Principles, and his AHA books.
  • 13:50 – Why does gratitude matter?
  • 15:00 – Steve’s experiences with Warren Buffett.
  • 20:50 – What is a daily inventory? How Steve tracks his 4 B’s.
  • 24:00 – About Steve’s spiritual beliefs. Steve considers himself “a spiritual mutt”.
  • 26:00 – Why is it important for business leaders to have a spiritual consciousness?
  • 28:00 – Spiritual Intelligence in business to bring in purpose and meaning.
  • 29:10 – Where to find Steve online.
  • 30:00 – The state of the real estate market right now.

About School For Startups Radio

Join host Jim Beach every day at 2:00 pm EST on amfm247 radio as he interviews entrepreneurs and great authors who can help you grow your business, or start one.

You can find more of my podcast appearances on the Media section of the site.

The Energetics of Voting

What is the connection between voting and energy?

And to what extent does our single vote impact our world?

Things are heating up as we approach this highly polarizing U.S. election. Many are and will be voting for their candidate of choice, while a significant portion of the public doesn’t vote at all. Unfortunately, in this political system that is often less than fair and transparent, we may feel like our voice and our vote doesn’t matter.

However, it is important that we keep in mind that the universe is always receiving our energetic “vote” and giving us back the reality we are choosing with our thoughts, beliefs, and actions.

While I highly encourage everyone to vote in elections, the physical act of going to the ballot box and checking the box next to a certain person’s name may actually be the least powerful method of voting at our disposal. 

Voting is one way that we can express our convictions and values, but there are also many other ways.  You could even say that every moment of every day we are “voting” as to who we are and what world we choose to live in by where we put our energy.

However you vote, be sure to do with full consciousness of what exactly you are putting your energy and consent behind.

I am honored and proud to have the right to vote, and this week I exercised that right.  And yes I am going to trust our US Post office to deliver my choice!

Even more, I trust in a higher power to likewise always deliver my vote exactly where it needs to go. 


Appearance on The Growth Zone Podcast on Being A CEO and Entrepreneur

I recently appeared on The Growth Zone hosted by Christian Bartsch.

We talked about the differences between being a high-level Corporate CEO, a small business owner, and a serial entrepreneur. We also discuss how company leaders can create more productivity, profit, and purpose in their businesses.

The Growth Zone – Oct 10, 2020

Listen to the Podcast Here

Show Notes

  • Steve’s journey from leaving home at 17 to moving to California and working in the restaurant business, to getting into real estate and then starting his own real estate company.
  • Being a purpose-driven entrepreneur, coach, speaker, and consultant.
  • Being a navy kid and seeing the gigantic ships and airplanes as a child.
  • On necessity being the mother of invention. How businesses are changing and being created.
  • Zoom becoming such a profitable company recently.
  • The fear companies face when they have the opportunity to make a shift.
  • Choosing to make a change rather than being forced into it.
  • Spiritual Intelligence and finding out what life is all about.
  • The hole in the soul that everyone is seeking to fill. It can only be filled by spirituality.
  • The importance of making sure that we are tracking and evaluating our business for intangible qualities such as purpose, happiness, and meaning.
  • How the real estate market right now is actually better than it has been in years.
  • The challenge for commercial business owners with large spaces.
  • The importance of companies being flexible with allowing their employees to work from home.
  • How worldwide telecommunication is changing the way businesses operate.
  • The benefits of being an entrepreneur.
  • Business owners and leaders have a great opportunity right now to do things better for the customer, employee, and the world.
  • Steve’s new book The IGI Principles. Ego and Igi.
  • Steve’s daily mantra: “Are you coming from ego or are you coming from Igi?”
  • How to integrate your spiritual values into your day to day life and especially your work or business.

You can find more of my podcast appearances on the Media section of the site.

Find more episodes of The Growth Zone here

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